Space Madness requires a 68020 or better cpu, a monitor capable of displaying 256 colors or grays (8-bit), 2500K of memory (it comes preset to 2800K), 1900K of disk space, and System 6.0.7 or later.
Space Madness will only run on a monitor that is set to display 256 colors or grays. When you run the program, it automatically sets your monitor to display 256 colors or grays (if you have it set to display grays instead of colors, Space Madness will display grays, even if your monitor can display color). It restores your monitor settings when you quit the program.
If you have more than one monitor that Space Madness can use, it will ask you which monitor you would like to play the game on.
After you have chosen the monitor you want to use, the screen will fade to black, and then fade back in almost immediately, showing the Space Madness title screen. The program will begin loading all of the graphics and sounds for the game. This may take a minute or so, depending on how fast your computer is. A thermometer at the bottom of the screen will keep you informed of its progress.
When the program has finished loading, the Main Screen will appear, and the game is ready to be played!